The Matthew 25 initiative focuses on Matthew 25:31-46, the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear that what we do and how we treat others is important to God. The Presbytery of Missouri River Valley has committed to become a Matthew 25 Mid-Council/Presbytery. We pledge to encourage 20% or more of our congregations to become a Matthew 25 church, which means embracing these areas of focus…
- Building congregational vitality
- Dismantling structural racism
- Eradicating systemic poverty
The following churches in our presbytery have made the commitment to being a Matthew 25 congregation…
- Discovery Presbyterian Church, Omaha (NE)
- First Presbyterian Church of Omaha (NE)
- First Presbyterian Church of Shenandoah (IA)
- Gethsemane Presbyterian Church, Council Bluffs (IA)
- New Life Presbyterian Church, Omaha (NE)
- Peace Presbyterian Church, Elkhorn (NE)
- Presbyterian Church of the Master, Omaha (NE)
- West Hills Church, Omaha (NE)
- Westminster Presbyterian Church, Clarinda (IA)
- Bethany Presbyterian Church, Council Bluffs (IA)
Want to find out more about what a Matthew 25 Church is? Click on any of the resources below to learn more.
CLICK HERE for a Book of the Month suggestion by our Faith, Education & Leadership Development (FELD) Committee
CLICK HERE to access the latest Matthew 25 information from the PC(USA)
CLICK HERE to see a glimpse of what poverty looks like in America
CLICK HERE for Matthew 25 resources from the PC(USA) website
CLICK HERE to read about PC(USA)’s Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP)