Update: 4/10/2024

To: The Presbytery of Missouri River Valley
From: Leadership Team
Date: April 2024
Re: Transition Discernment Update

As the Transition Task Force searched for a Stated Clerk and conferred with the Synod, it became apparent that the presbytery would benefit from an Interim Stated Clerk phase to determine the most effective way to reshape the position within our current unique leadership model. On March 19th, the Leadership Team approved Nancy Ross-Hullinger to serve in the role of Interim Stated Clerk. She has agreed to serve in this capacity through the end of 2024 with a time of reassessment in October 2024. Richard Meyer has agreed to serve as a substitute Stated Clerk during sabbatical and vacation leave. We request PMRV affirmation of the Leadership Team’s decision to:

• affirm an Interim Stated Clerk model,
• affirm appointing Nancy Ross-Hullinger as Interim Stated Clerk,
• affirm Richard Meyer to serve as a substitute Stated Clerk in July & August, 2024 while Nancy is on sabbatical and during vacation leave.

We are grateful for Nancy’s and Richard’s willingness to do this while we determine what this position shall look like going forward. We appreciate the years of service Pat Shipley has given us and send her off with gratitude and blessings. We are grateful for the many steps of transition that have taken place already and look forward to working through the next ones.

Both Pat Shipley (pat@pmrv.org) and Nancy Ross-Hullinger (statedclerk@pmrv,org) can be contacted for Stated Clerk matters through May 10, 2024. Please simply contact Nancy after that date.

Update: 2/21/2024

The application window has closed and the Personnel Committee’s Task Force is continuing in their work to find our next Stated Clerk. For more information, email Rev. Nancy Ross-Hullinger at dnhullinger@walnutel.net.

Update: Stated Clerk Position Posting – Applications Due by February 15, 2024!

The Personnel Committee’s Task Force has completed the Stated Clerk Position Description and Application, both found below. Applicants may complete the application and return it, along with a resume or PDP, references, and a cover letter, and email it to Rev. Nancy Ross-Hullinger at dnhullinger@walnutel.net by February 15, 2024.

November 2, 2023 (announced at 11/2/2023 Presbytery Meeting via Zoom)

From: PMRV Personnel Committee

Pat Shipley has served capably as the PMRV Stated Clerk for six and a half years. She now wishes to utilize her time, talent and skills in other ways and has expressed a desire to end her call as of May 31, 2024.

During Pat’s time as Stated Clerk, the structure of the Presbytery has evolved as we transitioned from having a full-time paid Executive Presbyter to being led by a volunteer Administrative Team, Leadership Team and Moderator Team with a part-time paid Stated Clerk. Pat has been steadfast in her support of our work throughout the pandemic and helped us navigate new times.

As we move forward, we will continue to adapt and navigate new ways. The Leadership Team appointed a five-member Task Force consisting of three members of the Personnel Committee (Kathy Moore, Richard Meyer, and Sarah Dickinson) along with Leadership Team members, Nancy Ross-Hullinger, and Sally Carlson to begin the process.

The Task Force will:

  • review and revise job descriptions of the Stated Clerk as well as the duties outlined for the Admin Team, Moderator Team and Leadership Team throughout the end of 2023, and
  • develop the process for calling a new Stated Clerk, looking to open the search by the beginning of 2024.

It is hoped that a new Stated Clerk will be identified in time to be elected at the April, 2024 Presbytery Meeting. This will allow time for Pat to train and onboard the new Stated Clerk and wrap up some of her Synod responsibilities throughout the end of May.

We are at the beginning of these steps and there are several moving pieces. But we have good resources we can use. We are grateful for Pat’s dedicated service and that she is working with us for a healthy and smooth transition.

We wish Pat well, and we pray for God’s guidance as we move forward with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.

Questions? Email one of the Task Force members by clicking on their name below…

Rev. Nancy Ross-Hullinger, Task Force Chair

Kathy Moore, Personnel Committee Chair

Rev. Sally Carlson

Rev. Sarah Dickinson

Rev. Richard Meyer