The Presbytery of Missouri River Valley is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), composed of 42 congregations, one Sudanese Fellowship, and one Arabic Christian Fellowship in the Greater Omaha area and southwest Iowa. We are grateful for our churches’ continued engagement and financial support in PMRV mission and ministries. Click below to download or print the entire 2024 PMRV Mission & Ministries Packet, or the individual Pledge Form and Remittance Form.
When you submit any payments to PMRV Mission & Ministries, we ask that you complete a Remittance Form with every check that is sent in. Click below to fill out the form. If you are wanting to make a contribution toward disaster relief or other PCUSA special mission giving, you must include the specific Fund ID number from the PCUSA Special Mission Projects List below. Thank you!
Your mission gifts make a difference!
Your church’s pledge to PMRV’s Mission and Ministries supports the work of the presbytery in the following ways…
Commission on Ministry (COM)
- Assists churches seeking a pastor
- Provides emergency funds for pastors in crisis
Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
- Provides training for lay pastors
- Shepherds inquirers and candidates for ministry through the process of ordination
Mission & Evangelism
- Financially supports Help Adult Services, Crossroads Connection, Nicaraguan Partnership, the Arabic Christian Fellowship, Sudanese Fellowship, and World Mission
- Provides grants to churches seeking funding for mission-ministries
- Offers a variety of programs to support congregations growing in evangelism
Youth Ministry Group
- Provides scholarships for Triennium
- Youth events and programs offered to PMRV youth
Faith Education and Leadership Development (FELD)
- Supports educational opportunities for pastors
- Supports training for Christian educators
- Provides camp and Synod School scholarships
- Hosts the Healthy Congregations Workshop
- Provides support to Camp Calvin Crest
Social Justice and Peacemaking
- Provides peace and justice educational programs
- Hosts international speakers at Presbytery meetings and churches
Worship & Spirituality Committee
- Provides meaningful worship experiences at Presbytery meetings
- Offers pastors an opportunity to worship without leading worship