The Nicaragua International Partnership of the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley is part of an international partnership between the Interdenominational Council of Evangelical Pastors of La Concepcion, Nicaragua, and the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley, USA. We are united with our partners through love and faith in Christ, in response to God’s call to build God’s kingdom, working actively, modeling the ministry of Jesus Christ to extend his love, justice, joy, hope, empowerment, and message within our communities. Consistent with our jointly developed partnership Mission Statement and the PCUSA relationship-based mission model, we strive to act with a commitment to world mission, a love for humankind, and a trust in each other which continually deepens objectives.
A letter and packet was mailed to each church to inform them of updates regarding our partnership. Our hope is that you will post the flyer at your church to raise awareness and funding for this presbytery-wide mission partnership. You can download or print the letter below, or watch this video on our YouTube channel to learn more about our Nicaragua partnership.
How to Make Contributions
Send checks to your church, or mail to:
- Presbytery of Missouri River Valley
302 South 74th Street
Omaha, NE 68114
(Please make a notation on the check to Nicaragua School Uniforms)
Online Giving
- Visit the presbytery’s Giving Page
- In the notes section of the transaction, type Nicaragua School Uniforms
Fall 2023 Letter
Dear Pastor and Mission Committee of fellow PMRV church,
Our Presbytery can proudly celebrate 23 years in partnership with a group of churches in La Concepción, Nicaragua. Over the years, we have developed wonderful relationships and learned from each other.
It is time for our ANNUAL SCHOOL UNIFORM DRIVE. This is a project that evolved about 14 years ago when our presbytery purchased land and built a Sewing Collective building. Since then, a group of women sew school uniforms for 100 children in most need within the partners’ churches and communities. The children also receive a backpack with school supplies and new shoes. The women in the Collective get paid a fair wage while also developing a useful skill. This year the cost for the entire packet is $120 per child.
In September, we hosted a group of three for a week and once again, it was an excellent experience for all involved. We learned about a feeding program they have initiated for children in an extremely impoverished area of their municipality. We plan to keep funding for this program, separate from our annual school uniform and travel fund drives. Please see the enclosed information regarding a fundraiser specifically for this program. Our primary focus will remain the School Uniform Drive.
We need the support of all the churches in our Presbytery. Here are some ideas for your mission team to encourage your congregation to help…
- Keep our partnership on your prayer list
- Do a Minute for Mission (contact us for a script)
- Show the Nicaragua Partnership video (
- Use the enclosed flyer as a bulletin or newsletter insert
- Designate a NICARAGUA SUNDAY – serve a light meal during fellowship time for a free-will offering (contact us for simple, Nicaragua-style recipes), do a soup supper, a bake sale, or anything that works for you. You could ask the youth group or Sunday school class to help
- Sell products made by women of the Sewing Collective
Although the school year starts in February, we have an on-going fundraising account, and contributions are welcome anytime throughout the year.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of supporting this worthy mission!
In Christ’s Love,
PMRV Nicaragua Partnership Committee
Contact: Ann Wieringa, Murray Presbyterian Church,