Click on the names below to email
Beatty, Rev. William
Honorably Retired
Bowers, Rev. Bill
Honorably Retired
Calta, Rev. MaryAnn
Honorably Retired LMHP, Social Worker, Spiritual Director
402-677-7008 (phone is preferred method of contact)
Candler, Rev. Deena
Honorably Retired
Darnold, Rev. Doug
Honorably Retired
Filipi, Rev. Jody
Honorably Retired, Spiritual Director
Keefer, Kathleen
Ruling Elder, Spiritual Director
Keefer, Rev. Robert
Honorably Retired
Morhardt, Bryan
Ruling Elder
Rev. Noble, Jon
Honorably Retired
(315) 868-6023
Reffert, Linda
Ruling Elder
Shipley, Ms. Pat
Ruling Elder
712-785-3276 (home)
712-621-0646 (cell)
Steinmetz, Rev. Ed
Honorably Retired
Tawadrous, Pastor Emad
Serves the Arabic Christian Fellowship
Recommended Honoraria
The Presbytery of Missouri River Valley has set recommended honoraria for specific pastoral services by someone other than the church’s own pastor (percentages are taken from the minimum effective salary for ministers).
Applying to be on the Pulpit Supply List
Ruling elders of the congregations within the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley are invited to apply to, and visit with, the Commission on Ministry to be included on the Pulpit Supply List. Possible matters to be discussed when interviewing with the Commission include…
- What training or experience in preaching have you had?
- Tell us about your sense of call to preach.
- How do you go about preparing a sermon?
- What is your involvement in the church and the community?
- Share with us your Statement of Faith.